Monday, November 10, 2008

November 10 - Reunited States of America

Our Choose To Unite videographer Grant Taylor wrote the morning after the election to the Santa Fe New Mexican; his letter was published in yesterday's Sunday November 9 paper:

"We've chosen a true leader and healer, someone who touched our hearts and the powers within us.  Our votes transcended politics, for we have truly chosen a leader of the people.  The power that elected Barack Obama is much greater than he himself, as he acknowledged in his first speech as president-elect.  It is the power of change and a profound choice for freedom that we made for ourselves and for our country.  The unity and oneness of community we are feeling, the courage to realize our mistakes and transgressions, and to change our character in the midst of difficult times – this is what should propel  our hearts into this bright open future.

There is a Barack Obama inside each of us; this is how he became elected.  Our vote represents this recognition.  And what we recognize, we can become.  Let's use this power of unity, this shared common purpose and take the hope and love that we have for the future and celebrate it here and now."

Read the other inspiring letters in the Nov. 9 New Mexican:


"...[Obama] has promised to unify our country, and we should take him at his word... there is no reason to withhold support to the man, given the challenges ahead... I urge the 48% of us who voted for John McCain to... let go of divisiveness that has prevented progress.  It is Obama's turn, and he will soon show us what he can do. We own him that chance and the opportunity that he has earned."  (Mike Young)

"...He won because he is black and white, a mix of two races, not just one... Barack knows and understands both sides in whatever issue is brought forth to our country and the world... We will no longer live in the dark and controlled by a few... Deep down, we know: We are far greater than who and what we think we are.  Deep down, we give profound thanks for this historic change in our country, our lives."  (Helen Oates)

"...We all bonded with a rare example of leadership, a candidate for president with unfailing dignity, setting an example of resolve, asking for our participation in searching out and exercising a more ennobling vision of social responsibility toward one another... As a result... [Americans] prepare with renewed hope for the opportunity of sharing the responsibility for the good health of this precious little blue marble and its inhabitants, our home in the universe."  (Tal Streeter)

Sunday, November 9 – milestone of 50,000 views of Choose To Unite on YouTube!  Sharing a comment from friend Nancy McGuire (a mother and life coach):  "The video is even more pertinent today than it was during the campaign.  It is a call to our citizenry as to what we need to do to go forward as Americans under President Obama... Choose To Unite.  This video is more brilliant in the context of where we are at right now in the transition, and the words will be used as the mantra moving forward..."