Remembering we are one united family
The light will shine in us you'll see
Giving us hope and opportunity
Notice how the following statement feels when you hear it: "We're in a crisis. Fend for yourself, you are on your own." And then how does this statement feel? "We're in a crisis. Working together, we can find a solution. You are not alone – we are in this together." Fear and separation weaken and erode. Love and unity connect and strengthen.
My prayer for our country is that we can remember that we are part of the same human family, and as Americans, a blessed one in many ways. I pray that we can be a model to ourselves and the world and transcend boundaries – be they cultural, racial, religious, gender, age, social – which in a crisis, fade into the background in terms of what is most important and most called for. What matters is bringing forth the intrinsic available resources and working together to contribute to the survival/thriving of the whole.
The skill that is most called for now is enlightened leadership. Clear seeing, intuition, knowing what is needed, the ability to delegate to responsible exceptional specialists, and the ability to organize and galvanize the people at large by far make up for any lack of specific experience.