As I was preparing for the interview, something that came to me to emphasize was the crisis that our country finds itself in, and a comparison to an emergency we are all familiar with – someone fainting in a crowd. A call goes out, "Is there a doctor in the house?" And there is relief when a doctor steps forward to take charge of the emergency. In that moment, the person's skin color, age, gender, country of origin or religious beliefs are not an issue. What matters is that the person has the immediately needed medical skills - that they are a doctor. In our current crisis, the call is, "Is there a leader in the house?" What a relief that someone (by the name of Barack Obama) has stepped forward with the skills that are immediately, specifically tailored to what is needed – leadership. Enlightened leadership, at that.
We received a copy of the interview and posted it last week on the Choose To Unite website. Anyone who enjoyed the song and music video will enjoy the same positive, uplifting energy in the interview, which can be viewed at:
Sharing an email comment: "This video is a treasure! Thank you for following your heart and creative inspiration to bring it into being. It appears in perfect timing. It has a clear strong message that touches the places of spirit between and among us in love and mutual caring."